My takeaways from the Sustainable Blockchain Summit 2022 in Paris

Future meets future, dreamer meets dreamer, web3 meets regeneration

ReGeneration finances the transition of regenerative agriculture for European farmers. Our product, the certificate of regeneration, gives the measured and verified proof of the benefits from regenerative agriculture. ReGeneration measures soil carbon, biodiversity, water infiltration, and more. The certificate allows buyers on the voluntary carbon market to transparently track their impact and communicate it. Now you might wonder, what does this have to do with web3? Web3 is an idea for a new iteration of the World Wide Web which incorporates concepts such as decentralization, transparency, and token-based economics. There are innovators from the web3 community that aim at revolutionizing the voluntary carbon market. To find out the way they are doing this, Wiebke visited the Sustainable Blockchain Summit 2022 (SBS2022) in Paris.

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